By admin on Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Category: Blog

Back To School, Back To A Routine With Your Dog

When kids go back to school, it often means a change in routine for everyone in the family, including your dog. Back to school means that our animal companions must say goodbye to the adventures, attention, and thrills they'd been enjoying all summer long. 


According to Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a celebrated veterinary behaviorist, "Dogs and cats that enjoy human interaction and affection can become psychologically unglued — especially if their best human friend in the household happens to be one of the kids and suddenly that person 'disappears' and goes off to college..."

Dogs thrive in routine, and the sudden change in their daily routine may cause separation anxiety. In addition to adding anxiety and uncertainty, it can result in various behavioral problems.


Signs Your Pup Is Struggling During Back To School Season

When a pet suffers from anxiety due to a change in routine or separation from their favorite human, they may exhibit symptoms such as:



Doggy Daycare Is The Perfect Solution

Many dogs with anxiety during the back-to-school season can benefit from dog daycare. Among the many benefits it offers are:


Routine: Doggie daycare provides your dog with a routine to follow, which can help them feel more comfortable. They do the same thing every morning, which helps ease the stress of leaving the house (especially if they're not used to it).


Exercise: Doggie daycare allows your dog to get some exercise and get out of its comfort zone. This can be especially helpful for high-energy breeds that need more stimulation than others due to their high activity levels.


Socialization: Dogs are social creatures who like to interact with other dogs and humans, but they need to spend time in a group setting so they can develop healthy social skills. At doggy daycare, your dog will be exposed to different situations and people so he can develop healthy social skills and learn how to appropriately react to these situations without becoming anxious. 


Supervision: Your dog will be under the supervision of an expert trainer and staff. This means that they will not be left alone to fend for themselves. When you are at work, at school, or running errands, the best thing is to take your dog to doggy daycare. You can also relax and enjoy yourself because you know that someone reliable is taking care of your pet.


Remember that your dog has feelings just like you during this transitional period. However, by consistently showing your pet some love and attention whenever you are close by, it should be possible to navigate the changes in routine with the least amount of disruption.


The Pet Spot Can't Wait To Meet Your Fur Baby!

We've got you covered if you're looking for a place that offers a safe, fun environment for your pet. Our dog daycare, boarding, and grooming services are designed to give your pup or kitty a positive experience while they're at the center of our care.

If you're interested in booking a meet and greet with one of our awesome staff members to learn more about how we can help your pet, all you have to do is call us today!


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